Weekly Scriptural Reflection for 24 September 2014

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed,

but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,

and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,

says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54, Verse 10

Here the prophet Isaiah is reaffirming just how steadfast the love of the Lord is for his people, for us. He uses the image of mountains disappearing and hills being taken away, in other words chaotic and seemingly impossible events, to show just how strong God’s love for us is. No matter what disasters may befall us, no matter what tragedies may surround us, God’s love is always present, an ever-present source of strength and support in difficult times.

And right alongside God’s love is his peace which he has promised through covenant to us, his children. He has such compassion for and mercy on us that his love and peace will never be removed, no matter what. What an awesome God!


24 September 2014

See the video reflection that accompanies this post – Isaiah 54:10

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Weekly Scriptural Reflection for 16 September 2014

Praise the Lord!

Praise the name of the Lord; give praise, O servants of the Lord,

you that stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.

Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for he is gracious.

Psalms 135, Verses 1-36

I think that today in most main stream Christian churches we have gotten away from “praising” the Lord. Most of us attend church, go to “the house of the Lord”, just once a week – maybe twice a week. We attend services, say our prayers, and sing a few songs. But do we really “praise” God? Do we lift our voices joyfully, exultantly, enthusiastically? These verses exhort us to praise the Lord when we are in his house, to “sing to his name”. They remind us that we should do this because the Lord is good and gracious.

If I really consider the might of the Lord, if I truly consider who he is and what he has done for humankind, for me, I should be singing His praises from the moment I awake to the moment I fall back asleep, every day. Hallelujah!! God is good!


16 September 2014

See the video reflection that accompanies this post – Psalms 135:1-3

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Weekly Scriptural Reflection for 08 September 2014

They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me;

and those who love me will be loved by my Father,

and I will love them and reveal myself to them.

Romans 8, Verse 26

Because we are human and consequently imperfect, we need help on our spiritual journey. In our humanity, we are weak. Jesus knew this and sent us the Spirit to help us and guide us. Paul states that because of our weakness and imperfection “we do not know how to pray as we ought.”

And so the Spirit intercedes on our behalf, and not just in any ordinary fashion. Spirit intercedes “with sighs too deep for words”. Have you ever felt so full of emotion that you couldn’t speak? Were you ever so emotional that all you could manage were deep sighs? That is how Spirit intercedes on our behalf to God. Amen!


08 September 2014

See the video reflection that accompanies this post – Romans 8:26

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